Monthly Report October 2022
A short summary of our last 30 days.
At the beginning of this month, we took a step back to ask ourselves one key question: How well are we communicating what Unstoppable is about?
Not as well yet as we’d like to, was the conclusion.
While moving fast during the first month we had to push a few things out that weren’t quite at the standard we wanted them to be.
Time to fix that.
Quick recap of the last month:
- minor rebrand to Unstoppable
- website overhaul and new domain:
- clarified USP and vision
- clarified products and roadmap
- introduced Fair Funding
- introduced TriGLP
- established relationships with projects and influencers in the space
- prepared grant applications
What didn’t go so well:
The designer we hired for a new website design didn’t work out at all and we had to fall back on a redesign of the existing site for now.
What’s coming next:
Our two main focuses right now are:
Fair Funding
- finish the contracts and Alchemix integration
- line up an audit
- apply for a grant to cover the audit cost
- prepare launch and marketing for it
- double and tripple check the math to make sure all edge cases are covered correctly
- create an offchain simulation or a test-in-prod scenario
- finish the contracts
And of course we will continue to grow our core community and connect with people who have the same values and interests as us.
See you on our discord!